
East Grand snowmobile Club Meeting 6/14/22

Attendants: Ryan Fish, Kasi Fish, Troy Fish, Dave Conley, Josh Jones, Eric Young, Clay

  • 2021-2022 Memberships: 27 Business and 32 Family memberships for a total of 59 Memberships.
  • Still waiting for the grant money for this past season to come in.
  • Club sled still needs to be serviced
  • Crane Matts over a stream on 105S need to be reset.
  • Good feedback from the re-route going around a landowner in Haynesville
  • Is there something that can be done about the mud hole/trough on Scagrock?
  • 105North for brush- Needs some brushing completed. And brushing of the underbrush.
  • Brush Cutter- needs to be fixed this fall before it is ready to use.
  • First Aid kits were put together for each of the 2 groomers and the club sled.
  • Need to fix ruts between the horseback and reservation road. Will take the excavator in once land is dry enough. Also ruts behind trailside that needs to be fixed.
  • Stump behind Morse old house 105S needs to be cut. May be able to dig it out with the excavator
  • Dave will follow up with Matt Apgar about bush hogging in August trail 105S
  • Pursuing replacing our John Deere tractor and drag for a newer machine. Ryan, Josh and Dave took a ride to check it out